Birthing a Dream

I thought about titling this post “For Women Only” and laughingly realized that was probably a sure way to get men to read it. And we’ve come a long way since the days when my father paced the waiting room while my mom was in the delivery room.

We’re expecting two new babies in our family very soon (not twins…our son and his wife and one of our daughters and her husband) so I’ve had a refresher course in the aches and pains of childbearing.

I’ve been called a midwife to businesses, so I’ve never ventured far from the thoughts Becky Harmon of Success Not Sabotage expressed in her newsletter last week:

“Are you pregnant with potential, but need help harnessing it so your business/non-profit is birthed successfully? Can I be transparent? Launching, growth and payout of a kingdom vision is a lot like becoming pregnant in the natural. You have to take on a new level of personal leadership because now, it is not just about you anymore. You are impacting other people’s lives and destinies. There is also a lot of hidden work you have to do, that if not formed correctly, could hinder a healthy birth. More so, what woman do you know who ever says, “NO, I WANT TO BE COMPLETELY ALONE. I don’t want anyone in the room holding my hand and wiping my brow. No, thank you, I want to bring life into the world alone because I am that confident everything will go perfectly.” [You get the picture] 🙂

So, let me ask you honestly. Why would you want to birth and grow your vision without any support, prayer, friendship, coaching on how to avoid the sabotages and grow with grace, power, purpose and profits? Beverly and I get what it is like to have no support and no real pacing (Basically, it sucks and you constantly wonder why it isn’t growing). That is exactly why we created Slingshot Success – we have seen the financial provision that comes from prayer, teaming and strategic alliances. If you need to grow your business or ministry, you can’t afford to not have the co-collaboration a team provides, just like you wouldn’t go without prenatal care.”

The Lion’s Guild is one of a kind and is affordable for all new start-ups. Save your “seat” here.

Explore posts in the same categories: Business Strategies, Coaching

One Comment on “Birthing a Dream”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Beverly Lewis, Beverly Lewis. Beverly Lewis said: Are you pregnant with potential, but need help harnessing it so your business is birthed successfully? Blog post […]

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